The wedding is tomorrow, you are at the highest level of of stress, excited, preparing, taking care of all the little details, wanting everything to be perfect.
You drive to Ben Gurion Airport to pick up your bride’s family, who came from Ukraine especially for the wedding, but then – you find yourself in a a 10-hour nightmare at the borders police, that refuses to let your wife’s mother and two brothers enter Israel !

You explain, you show them the wedding’s invitation, the airline tickets back to Ukraine for 3 days after the wedding, the luxurious apartment reservation, you beg them not to destroy the most important day for you and your wife, you offer to deposit any amount – but the clerk ignores, laughs at you, refuses to help in any way and deports your bride’s family to Ukraine immediately !

Yes, it happened to Amos Peled and his wife Polina, last Thursday, a day before their wedding took place at the Tel Aviv Port.

Nothing helped. No reason, no explanation, no sensitivity, just terrible heartbreak.

The couple had no choice but to have the event without the bride’s family.

Although Polina’s family was deported, the couple is still determined to repair the damage that was done and to bring her family back to Israel, to win a judicial decision to prove the Ministry of the Interior for its conduct and, above all, to act against the officials who acted in a disgraceful and degrading manner.

Here’s the coverage of case on the morning show on RESHET network: